Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Week 28 St Patricks Day and Dental Health

This week in our classroom we learned about St. Patrick's Day and Dental Health. I know that dental health is usually discussed in February but we couldn't fit it in until now! I didn't take lots of pictures because we had to get ready for report cards and I was not feeling very well. (Dr. visit on Friday, 2 shots) I have had several really sick kiddos too! Hope everyone feels better by Spring Break. Here are few pictures of our week. We all got a new toothbrush from Mrs. Ables and we brushed our teeth after lunch!

Sorting Fruit Loops to make a rainbow and graph

Jorge's fruit loop rainbow!

Yummy rainbow sorting!

Getting ready to eat our rainbows!

More rainbows.

Recording our rainbow information on a graph

Hard at work counting fruit loops by color.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Week 27- Transportation!!

Our class learned about air, land and water transportation.  Monday we started off with air transportation and made paper airplanes to race. They did a wonderful job making the planes. Jorge is our class go to guy for making paper planes. Anyone who needed help got assistance from him! We had a great week and then on Friday we had transportation day! It was super!
Sierra, Jordy & Gladis making paper airplanes!

Jorge hard at work helping his friends!

Testing out our planes.

One, Two, Three, Go!!

Look at those planes fly!

Fun! Fun! Fun!

Standing on the ramp of the moving truck.

Inside the moving truck.


This is Mrs. Ables' Bike!


Jet Ski
Mrs. Ables got to take a ride in the MUB truck bucket! Here is a view from the MUB bucket.

MUB Truck



Dump Truck

Police Car

Hot air balloon before it has been inflated.

Inside the inflated hot air balloon

Mr. Jeff Maddox telling us  all about hot air balloons!

Learning about flying in a hot air balloon.

The burner that makes the hot air balloon fly!
Marine Police Boat
Standing under the 18 wheeler!!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Daddy Days, Dr. Seuss, and Presidents! Week Twenty Five and Twenty Six

Sorry about missing a week of updating our blog but I have had a difficult time taking pictures and teaching 
 now that Ms. Smith has gone to first grade! Week Twenty Five we learned about President's Day and famous people connected to the holiday.    Week Twenty Six was Dr. Seuss and Daddy Days. We had lots of fun reading Dr. Seuss books and making Oobleck! Check out the pictures below of our fun times. Emma's dad also came to Daddy Day but I didn't get his picture before he had to go to work! Thanks for everyone who came it was great!

This is a coin prediction sheet we used in our science and literacy center. I found this online at Kindergarten Hoppenings blog. She has the greatest stuff for free!

Will is testing his predictions about the coins!

Hunter and his Dad.

Caden and his Dad.

Will and his Dad.

Kaleigha with Mom and Peyton (Dad had to Work). We are glad mom came!

Sierra and her Dad. (Her mom and brother and cousin came too but they didn't get in the picture)

Gladis and Sherlin working on "Thing" hats for Hat Day. Thanks to Mrs. Henderson for this great idea!

 Hunter, Caden, and Deion working on the hats.

Brissa, Rebeca, and Yesica hard at work!

Will and Alberto coloring headbands for their hats.

Finally the last group working on the hats! Eidan, Kaleigha, Sierra, Ismael  and Jordy. Emma and Jesus made hats too but they were unavailable for pictures at this time!

Our finished hats! They did a great job!