Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Week Fifteen -The Gingerbread Man

Rolling out the dough for our gingerbread ornaments

Pressing the dough out flat.

Using a cookie cutter to make the shape.

Almost finished.

Removing the extra dough.

I found this fun science experiment from the internet. We all made a prediction about what we thought would happen to the gingerbread man if he tried to cross the water. We looked at him after twenty minutes and then thirty minutes and we drew what we saw. After one hour we looked and gave our conclusion about what happened to the gingerbread man.

Our bucket of water for the gingerbread man experiment.

The cookie we used for our experiment.

The gingerbread man when we first put him into the water.

Some of the kiddos checking out what is happening to the gingerbread man.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Week Fourteen Pow Wow, Feast, and Little Red Riding Hood!

We had a great week before our Thanksgiving Vacation! I am just now getting to post the pictures. We learned about Native Americans and Pilgrims, we went to see a play about Little Red Riding Hood and we had a Pow Wow!! Our Pow Wow was made extra special because we were visited by the members of the local Cherokee Tribe. They brought lots of cool artifacts and we learned lots about Native Americans. We also had another wonderful surprise. We have a new student. Her name is Sabrina. Now we have nine boys and nine girls! Check out the pictures of our great week below!

This was our science and literacy center. The students were able to touch a real rabbit skin and use paper bags and crayons to pretend to make Native American picture writing. They also had a slingshot to practice "shooting" a paper turkey for Thanksgiving!

Getting ready to "shoot" a turkey!
Anna Beth, Jorge, and Rebeca eating our Thanksgiving Feast!

Deion, Jesus, Emma, & Yesica eating our Feast!

Jordy, Sabrina, Kaleigha & Eidan eating our Feast.

Will, Gladis, Hunter & Jeremias eating our Feast!
A sample of our feast. We had popcorn, grapes, apples, oranges and apple juice. Yum Yum!!
Our new student. Sabrina!! Yeah!!!

One of the many Native American friends who were so kind to teach us about their history!! Thanks so much!

One more thing I am thankful for is my little dog Molly! She is dressed and ready for Thanksgiving

Five fat turkeys are we!

Five more fat turkeys are we!

Five more fat turkeys!

Three fat turkeys are we!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Week Thirteen Pilgrims & Indians

This week we have been busy learning about how and why the Pilgrims came to settle in the "New World". We learned many things and mostly decided we would not have liked being a pilgrim! We learned a few things about Native Americans such as how they sometimes made drawings on animal skins. We practiced this in our science and literacy center using paper bags and crayons (no animals were harmed by us!) We also practice making patterns around our turkey hand print that we made to decorate our door. They turned out so cute! I am attaching a copy of next week's newsletter for you to see. I will have more pictures of the kiddos next week. I have been under the weather this week so no pictures. Sorry! Have a great week.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween! Week 12

We had a great time celebrating Halloween! We carved our pumpkin and touched how it felt inside (yuck!). We had a super Halloween snack provided by our wonderful room mothers. We all went trick or treating around our school. 
Our pumpkin with the top carved.

This is what we found inside our pumpkin.

This is how our pumpkin looked after we took out all the seeds and "guts"

Finished product. His nose is large because the kiddos wanted a circle but that did not work out very well. You can see the candle inside of the pumpkin. We lit it but we had to blow it out because our pumpkin started to smoke!! We did not want to set our classroom on fire!

Jesus, Deion, Will, Evan, Emma & Yesica

Anna Beth, Eidan, Sherlin, & Jordy

Hunter, Jeremias, Caden, Ronaldo & Gladis

Jorge, Kaleigha, Brissa, Yajaira & Rebeca

Week Eleven-Red Ribbon Week

Week eleven was Red Ribbon week. We had a great time dressing up and learning ways to say no to drugs. We learned the letter Cc and had lots of fun with Halloween activities. Our school had a door decorating contest. We did not win but we all loved our "peaceful" Frankenstein! 

Aggie football players came and read to our class for red ribbon week!
We really enjoyed hearing them read us a book.